Supporting our local community: Safeguarding the Village Coat of Arms

Preserving Heritage: A Commitment to Village Tradition

As a show of support, at George Pickersgill & Sons, we have opened our storage facilities to safeguard significant assets that hold great importance to our local community. This includes the Baildon village coat of arms, which previously, proudly adorned on the local library.

Being a 150 year old business, we understand the significance of preserving our heritage, and are committed to ensuring that future generations can admire and appreciate the village coat of arms. By safely storing it, we guarantee its safekeeping and preservation.

Additionally, we are also providing storage for the benches and chairs that have been used during Baildon festival and gala celebrations.

Councillor Gill Dixon expressed her delight at our active role in protecting our cultural treasures. Saying: 

Whether you’re own family crest of arms or moving home, we have the experience and expertise to ensure a smooth and successful move. Contact us today to learn more about our removal services and how we can help you with your upcoming move.

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